Young Economists' Meeting 2024

May 30-31, 2024

Brno, Czech Republic

Thank you all for the fantastic talks at YEM2024!

See you next year for YEM2025.

Conference Program


April 1: Submission deadline (full papers only)

April 14: Acceptance notification

April 30: Registration deadline for accepted papers

May 30-31: Conference days



€ 60 registration fee upon paper acceptance

Keynote speakers

Eva Ranehill

Eva Ranehill is a professor at Lund University and senior lecturer at the University of Gothenburg, known for her Behavioral and Experimental Economics expertise. She is a Data Editor for Experimental Economics and the Journal of the Economic Science Organization. Her research extensively explores behavioral gender gaps, mainly focusing on the differences between men and women in economic contexts and their underlying causes and implications. Her current research delves into gender disparities in the labor market, examining aspects like gender discrimination in academic hiring and the influence of male-dominated environments on female leadership and entry. Ranehill has also made notable contributions to health and environmental economics. Additionally, she has an impressive portfolio of publications in various esteemed journals, highlighting her extensive research work in these areas.

Lecture: The Impact of PhD Studies on Mental Health

Recent self-reported and cross-sectional survey evidence documents high levels of mental health problems among PhD students. We study the impact of PhD studies on mental health using Swedish administrative records of prescriptions for psychiatric medication for the full population of PhD students. We document that, in the years preceding their PhD, prospective students collect psychiatric medication at a rate similar to that of a matched sample of individuals holding a master’s degree. However, following the start of PhD studies, the use of psychiatric medication among PhD students increases sharply relative to the control group. This upward trend continues throughout the course of PhD studies, with estimates showing a 40% increase by the 5th year compared to pre-PhD levels.


Vincenzo Carrieri

Vincenzo Carrieri is a professor of Public Economics at the University of Calabria and a Researcher at RWI Essen. He is an Associate Editor of the journal Oxford Open Economics and a member of the editorial board of Economics and Human Biology. His research interests focus on health economics and policy evaluation, particularly on the economics of risky behaviors and socio-economic status-related health inequalities.

Lecture: Inequalities in health: Evidence, theories and policies

The lecture will examine health inequalities from various perspectives, presenting compelling evidence on inequalities among individuals and social groups over time, across spaces, and throughout the life course. Furthermore, it will discuss some theoretical perspectives for the normative analysis of health inequalities and draw implications for the design of health and economic policies.


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