The nineth Young Economists' Meeting in 2024 hosted Eva Ranehill and Vincenzo Carrieri as keynote speakers. The Best Paper Award prize was presented to Tingyan Jia for the paper Empathy, Motivated Reasoning, and Redistribution. We thank all participants for their contributions and our guests for their insightful presentations.
Book of abstracts, Photos, Program, Call for papers

The eight Young Economists' Meeting in 2023 hosted Lata Gangadharan and Jan C. van Ours as keynote speakers. The Best Paper Award prize was presented to Biljana Meiske for the paper Queen Bee Immigrant: The Effects of Status Perceptions on Immigration Attitudes.
We thank all participants for their contributions and our guests for their insightful presentations.
Book of abstracts, Photos, Program.
The seventh Young Economists' Meeting in 2022 hosted Erik Plug and Subhasish M. Chowdhury as keynote speakers. The Best Paper Award prize was presented to Patrick Nüß for the paper Management Opposition, Strikes and Union Threat. We thank all participants for their contributions and our guests for their insightful presentations.
Book of abstracts, Photos, Program, Call for papers

In 2021 Young Economists' Meeting was held in a hybrid format. The Best Paper Award prize was presented to Ella Sargsyan for the paper Violent Conflicts and Parents’ Child Gender Preferences. We thank Ben Greiner (Vienna University of Economics and Business) and Katrin Millock (Paris School of Economics) for their wonderful keynote contributions
Book of abstracts, Photos, Program, Call for papers
The Young Economists' Meeting 2019 hosted participants from more than 30 universities. The Best Paper Award prize was presented to Ekaterina Travova for the paper Under Pressure? Performance Evaluation of Police Officers as an Incentive to Cheat: Evidence from Drug Crimes in Russia. We thank our guest speakers Eyal Winter (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) and Catia Nicodemo (University of Oxford) for taking the time and effort to be with us.
Book of abstracts, Photos, Call for papers

The Young Economists' Meeting 2018 hosted participants from more than 20 universities. The Best Paper Award prize was presented to David Schindler for the paper Shocking Racial Attitudes: Black G.I.s in Europe. We had Maroš Servátka (MGSM Experimental Economics Laboratory Sydney) and Mathias Czaika (Danube University Krems) for keynote speakers.
Book of abstracts, Photos, Call for papers
The Young Economists' Meeting 2017 hosted 38 participants from 27 institutions in Europe. The focus of the conference was on experimental, behavioral and labor economics. The Best Paper Award prize was presented to Eric Melander for the paper Creating ‘Us and Them’: Racial Propaganda, Insularity, and Right-Wing Ideology. We had David Masclet (University of Rennes 1) and Štěpán Jurajda (CERGE-EI) for keynote lectures.
Program, Photos, Call for papers

The Young Economists' Meeting 2016 hosted more than 50 participants from 30 universities in Europe, Izrael, and Mexico. The Best Paper Award was presented to Greta Morando for the paper Determinants and spillover effect of choosing Mathematics at secondary school. Exploiting a curricular reform in England. We thank our guests Stijn Baert (Ghent University) and Jakub Steiner (CERGE-EI) and all participants for their contributions.
Program, Photos

In 2015 the first Young Economists' Meeting hosted 50 participants from 14 countries and 30 universities. The Best Paper Award was presented to Joanna Clifton-Sprigg for the paper Best of both worlds? Early cognitive and non-cognitive development of bilingual children. The keynote speaker Jesús Crespo Cuaresma (WU Wien) talked about Bayesian model averaging and brought an example involving a compilation of David Bowie music from the 1970s. We thank all participants for their contributions! (conference program)